Fairplay Anticheat Software
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Fairplay Anticheat Software is an application made for Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix. It has been the prominent anticheat software since 2007 and is used daily by players of the demo and full versions of the game. Fairplay continues to grow as the creation of a sof2 player named Shifty. Fairplay anticheat's purpose is to provide a fair, cheat-free platform for video game users to be able to play with each other without the bother of hackers and cheaters, both competitively and non-competitively.

Fairplay needs the Microsoft .NET Framework to work. You can download it here.

The allowed pk3 list including download links can be found here.
Crashing Issue Posted on 06.02.2011

As most of you know, Fairplay has been crashing A LOT lately.

This has been due to our mysql web host not allowing enough connections. To try and resolve that issue, we first moved to another mysql host which ended up doing the same error, so today we have set up our own mysql server and hope this will stop clients from crashing so often.

There still will be crashes though, but they should become far less common. Now we have hopefully tackled the main issue, we should make fast progress fixing the other crashes & bugs.

Please stay patient as we endeavor to fix all these issues.

FP Beta Test Posted on 03.02.2011

New FP is out for beta testing, if you have any problems please post on demobase.
We are still working on some things, including this website, so please bear with us.
As with last time, if too many problems arise we will revert back to version 11.

New features include:

- First person spectate (proper)
- New way to take @fs
- Bindable status (@check) command
- @fp message spamlimit

To find out how to use these features + other old ones that have changed, check out the How-To page.


Fairplay is a free to use anticheat program. We rely on donations to keep Fairplay online. Please consider donating today.

Paypal Seal 

Amount to Donate: If you donate $10 or more, we will give you a custom GUID.

Latest Fairshots
Player Name: UnnamedPlayer - FP Guid: ff713Server IP:

Fairplay Statistics*
Players Online: 6
Total Players: 23195
Peak Online: 97
Fairshots: 40967

Website Statistics
Guests Online: 20
Total Visitors: 3981141
Total Hits: 13659439
Todays Visitors: 0
Todays Hits: 0
FP Downloads: 26193